Guest Chaplain: Rabbi Eli B. Greenwald, Congregation Mispallelim, Chester, Pennsylvania
Date of Prayer: 19 February 1962
Sponsor: n/a
Date of Prayer: 19 February 1962
Sponsor: n/a
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Our God and God of our fathers, grant enduring peace to a troubled world which yearns for peace in this era of insecurity and conflict. | |
Bless with good health and keen judgment the Members of this House of Representatives. Make them aware of the needs of all the people, so that the legislation they consider today will reflect the lofty American ideals of democracy, equality, and human compassion. | |
Grant our Nation the will to make sacrifices for the common good. Cause the peoples of the world to flock to our banner of freedom; let us all— as children of the Almighty— join together for the benefit of all mankind. | |
O God, look upon us with mercy, and cause us always to do Thy will. Amen. |
This prayer of the guest chaplain was offered in the second month of the second session of the 87th US Congress in the House of Representatives. The source images of the prayer were copied by Howard Mortman and shared via his @CongressRabbi Twitter account. All credit to Howard Mortman for his research in digging up this prayer. Unfortunately, neither the source images nor his tweets provide an exact citation reference to the volume, issue, and page number of the Congressional Record in which the prayer was published. If you know, leave a comment, or contact us.

“Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Eli B. Greenwald on 19 February 1962” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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